Thursday, September 23, 2004

It's My Birthday and I'll Cry if I want to


Dear Diary,

Claire Richards is such a bitch. Just because she's sooooo popular, she thinks she can make fun of my new haircut. It's not my fault - my mom told the girl who cut my hair to make it short. I thought I registered my complaint when I said, "Mom, you're gonna make me look like a jerk!" Apparently no one heard me. I even tried to hit my mom (I know....I'm sorry) but she was walking towards the styling products section so I missed. Anyway, Claire said I looked like a jerk and then she ran over to all her cool-girl girlfriends and they laughed at me. One of them even dropped her Trapper Keeper with all the Hello Kitty stickers on it. I wanted to pick it up for her but I was soooooo embarrassed.

This sucks, Diary because my birthday is next week and I think there may be a shindig next Saturday (10/2) and I'm going to look like a jerk. My mom did buy me some styling products but I don't know what to do with pomade. What's pomade? It smells like sweet burning. Ewwww...

Anyway, I'm not sure what the plan is yet but I think the options are:

1) Drinks at Frank and Hank's
2) Mini-golf at the Sherman Oaks Castle
3) Video Games @ Dave and Busters!
4) Chuck E. Cheese!
5) Karaoke!

I think the leading vote getter is drinks @ Frank and Hanks but I'll know more later. I hope Tammy can come. She's dreamy. Oh - what if D.W. Sweet comes, too? There will be too much dreaminess in the room for me to handle! I might faint!

I wish my birthday could be in a cool place like Caroline Gordon-Eliot's. Hers was at Raging Waters. My mom wouldn't let me go because she was afraid of me seeing girls in their swimsuits. That and I can't swim.

I'll keep you posted, Diary about the plans for Saturday. For now, you can just mark you calendar.

15 going on 29,

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