Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Another predictor


Dear Diary,

Okay, I'm at lunch. That hall monitor almost got me but I hid underneath the table. Anyway, what I wanted to write before was that clearly Kerry would win the popularity contest because The Packers won on Sunday against Washington at Fed-Ex Field.

Here's more unscientific proof from Gregg Easterbrook, the nerdy sports guy at school, or as he likes to call himself in the privacy of his own nerdery, Tuesday Morning Quarterback or "TMQ":

The Sampling Error Is Plus or Minus Three Fajitas (Sampling Error, Get It?)

A month ago, TMQ wrote, "Forget those scientific polls, if you want to know who the next president will be, check with California Tortilla. These locally owned Montgomery County, Md., eateries, the Official Rapid Food Restaurant of TMQ, have a flawless record of predicting election results via burritos. Cooks concoct a burrito named for each candidate, then keep track of how many sell: Invariably, the top-selling burrito accurately predicts the winner. Last night, the California Tortilla burrito poll closed. The final burrito count was John Kerry 1,868, George W. Bush 1,738. That's Kerry over Bush, 51.8 percent to 48.2 percent. Let's see how close that comes to today's actual vote.

Sampling the cafeteria's burritos,

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