Wednesday, March 23, 2005

WKW: Yo' mama name is Roscoe

March 23, 2005

Dear Diary,

What an exhausting week!

The student council hearings about off-campus lunches and that dumb Chris Paul not punching people in the nads when it really counts, thus making my winning NCAA bracket go to pot.

Now this. Apparently, Sony Pictures Classics has aquired North American rights to dreamy Wong Kar-Wai's 2046. But that's just window dressing. The part that caught my eye is that it will have its US premiere at the Tribec-kaka film festival.

You know what's not having its North American premiere at Tribec-kaka?

That's right, Diary! Our film!

But I get it, though. Bobby D couldn't possibly have programmed two poetically lyrical, voice-over heavy films into his festival.

For example: if The New World had been entered, instead of our film, Bobby D would have had to make a choice between The New World and 2046 to represent the "heavily voice-overed" film of the festival (not that I've seen New World but I'm just guessing that drunky Colin Farrell is going to be "thinking" a lot about the Indians and Thanksgiving).

So I get it. Bobby D, my anger has been misdirected at you. I crossed out all the "Tribeckaka Poop Festival eats...kaka" references in my burn book.

Wong Kar-Wai: it was YOU who punched me in the nads!

But WKW, because of this, I'll forgive you.

Just consider yourself warned. I have gained Player Hater Ball points and am drunk on the Haterade - you're getting awful close to the burn book.


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