Thursday, October 21, 2004

We Are All Red Sox Tonight


Dear Diary,

First off: Wow. This is historic - never before done in the history of

Secondly, I love seeing A-Rod and the rest of those overpaid losers eat
it while the Red Sox are celebrating in their "house".

Thirdly, Curt Schilling is a hoss. I wish I will be like him, torn
achilles tendon and all, when I grow up. He may not be dreamy in the
dreamy sense, but he's dreamy in the "hoss" sense. That dude's got
stickers all up and down his tendon and stuff. Diary, his socks were
literally red!

But something troubles me, Diary...if the Astros win today, then it's a
Massachusetts vs. Texas World Series, kinda like the popularity contest
is between the guy from the Massachusetts side of the schoolyard and
the guy from the Texas side of the schoolyard. Is there too much
synchronicity happening? Very scary, Diary. Too much stuff coming
together, like The Bible Code.

If the 'Stros (I hate that Mike Scott, no-hitting my Giants back in
1986) win today and go on to face the Red Sox, then I'd just as soon
give Texas the World Series and give Massachusetts the popularity
contest. But then, if the Red Sox win the World Series and the guy
from the Massachusetts side of the schoolyard wins the popularity
contest then will this usher in a new era of peace - uh...civics class
don't fail me now - "Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by
American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of
the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that
makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations
to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children, not
merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women, not merely
peace in our time but peace for all time."

Ha! Public schools aren't as bad as the "media" says they are (okay,
Diary, I Googled it).

Or maybe as someone else said, "If the Red Sox ever win the World
Series, then that's the dawn of the Apocalypse." Or maybe he meant to
say The Cubs...

In a field of dreams,

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